Some popular charity walks or runs that you may have heard of include:
CIBC Run For The Cure
Walk For ALS
Autism Speaks

Charity marathons are nothing new. So many charity based organizations use them as a means of raising funds and it never hurts for you to get out there and participate. You get to exercise your body and at the same time you get to help others. From the financial advisor to the busy mom - it does not matter who you are.

Marathons and triathlons have certainly grown in popularity over the past few years and why? They serve a two fold purpose. They are used to fund raise and at the same time, they help you to stay fit. Ask any busy office worker and they will tell you that in order to participate in any of these types of events, you need to undergo a certain amount of preparation beforehand.

No one ever said that too much outdoor activity would not be good for you. The more the merrier and it certainly helps on the go individuals to stay in shape. Mountain biking, running, walking, it does not matter; charities will accept any form of these types of exercise to include in their marathon events.

If you are a architect or an business executive for example, you would surely appreciate being given the chance to blow off some steam at any one of these types of events. Out in the fresh air never hurts and it is wonderful for your health. Ah yes! To be out there just breathing in that cool air and socializing with others as you do so.

Some of you may want to use the excuse that you are not really in shape so there goes your ability to participate in any type of event let alone a marathon but wait! Did you forget about those yoga classes and boot camps? Or those many fitness clubs all across the city? No more excuses for you to come up with. There are so many ways for you to stay fit.

You can certainly use the Internet to help you find clubs and gyms plus so much more. There are websites out there that will give you info on how you can start to participate and stay healthy. You would be amazed to learn what is out there just waiting for you to discover and explore. So why not start now? Get the family involved and start enjoying and participating!>

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